Thursday, 21 October 2010

Cherry Nails :)

I was really bored today and i decided to have a go at paint some sort of design on my nails. I wanted to try to paint on a cherry design onto them and i was really surprised how easy it was! Here is a picture of the finished design:

Here is how to do it
You will need:
- a white/pale nail polish for a base ( i used Barry M Nail Paint in 282 french polish)
- a red nail polish for the fruit ( i use Nails Inc Tate)
- a green nail polish for the stork ( i use Barry M nail paint in NPG2)
- a top coat to finish it all off ( i use Lacura Top Coat)
- Some toothpicks

The first thing you need to do is paint all your nails with two coats of a plale/white nail polish for the base.

Next, take the red nailpolish and draw (with the toothpicks) two red dots onto the bottom of your nails

After that, take the green and gently join the two red dots. You can add a flick if you want to :).

To finish it off, apply a top coat.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial

Love from laura


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