Sunday 25 September 2011

Im on the edge.

This will be a different blog post today, i am writing this to commemorate two people who lost their lives last week. The first, Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14 year old boy who killed himself because of the bullying he had been through. All because he was gay. Jamey was on twitter and though i didn't personally know him, it cut me to the core that he was driven to such extremes because of what other children said and did to him. Because of his action, a project has been launched called the Paws Up Forever Project, as Jamey was a Lady Gaga fan. It is to help make bullying illegal. The video on youtube reduced me to tears, watch it! We need to make bullying illegal. We need to do it for Jamey. RIP Jamey.

Now the other death is under completely different circumstances. Troy Davis, a man on death row for the murder of an off duty policeman was executed in the early hours of Thursday morning, in Georgia. There was a significant lack of evidence, for example no DNA evidence, no weapon was ever found (the murder happened in 1989) and 7 of the 9 witnesses who said that they saw Troy pull the trigger, have taken back their statements. I believe he was innocent, and even if he was guilty, i strongly oppose the death penalty. I have been campaigning for Troy for a while now, at the Amnesty International meetings at school, we must not let Troy's death be in vain, we must end the death penalty. For more information, got to the Amnesty International website and together we can end this terrible form of punishment.

Thankyou for reading this post, i will keep Jamey and Troy in my heart forever, and i hope you do too. Rest in Peace Jamey Rodemeyer and Troy Davis <3

Sunday 18 September 2011

In the mourning il let you die

Top: Great Plains
Trousers: French Connection
Belt: Vintage
Jacket: TK MAXX

I went out for dinner with my parents last night, just for a pizza and this is what i wore. I know its practically the same as the outfit last night, all i did was change the jacket and top, but i love wearing this so i wore it again :). I love this top, i got it in the sales last christmas, its a beautiful teal/blue colour with gold chains, but its very heavy so i have to be careful! Ive got a bit of work to do, mostly just some photography for art and a bit of english, school again tomorrow though, im getting back into a pattern but its still not a nice thought. I hope your all having a lovely weekend! This song is one of Paramores newest, they performed it at the Fueled By Ramen 15th Anniversary show with a cover of Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. Its beautiful, as is Hayley! The lovely Taylor York is on acoustic guitar in the video too ( ILOVEHIM) and unfortunately Jeremy is not in the video, but im sure he was there somewhere during the song! ENJOY :) <3

Saturday 17 September 2011

Nothing is what its ever meant to be

Top: VersaEmerge
Combats: French Connection
Necklace: Vintage

Happy Saturday everyone! Im wearing casual clothes again today, i got this tee for a fiver in the sale on the VersaEmerge web store. If you dont know who VersaEmerge, there a rock/punk band from the US kind of similar to Paramore, and as you know I LOVE PARAMORE. Not much to say today except ive been up to my eyeballs in work and as well as that having to think about A levels and 6th form, even though i cant even think about my GCSE's yet! I hope your all a bit less stressed than me!

Friday 9 September 2011

What id do to have you near...

Top: Gap
Trousers: French Connection
Necklaces: Vintage
Belt: Vintage

I went back to school on Wednesday, so this week has been all about settling back into routine, early mornings and being generally shattered. But now its Friday, so looking forward to the weekend, and my parents decided to take my brother and I out for a curry. After being in uniform all week i wanted to dress up a bit, so i wore these gorgeous wool peg-leg trousers from French Connection, a sparkly top and lace up heals. I also went all out on my eye makeup, creating a pretty dramatic smokey eye. I hope you all have a great weekend, wish my dad luck, he is running in the Nottingham Marathon on Sunday!

Thursday 1 September 2011

I am not afraid to walk this world alone.

Top: Gap mens
Jeggings: Jackpot
Bracelet: Reading Fest Wristband

Sorry for the crazy pose, i needed to take these photos quickly before my camera battery died, i hope their ok! Just a really basic casual outfit today, all i have done is walk my dog and dye my hair! I got it cut yesterday, kind of like Frankie from the Saturdays, and I LOVE IT. Then today, my mum helped me dye my hair, i used Clairol Nice 'n Easy Perfect 10 in Dark Brown. it was easy, only took 10 minutes and i love the colour. Thats pretty it for me, just sitting around listening to My Chem. Life is good.