Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Reading Fest :D

I know i have been AWOL for a couple of weeks, and I'm sorry about that but i have been pretty busy, i was in France and then i was home for a few days and then i went off to reading festival from Thursday until Sunday night. It was the most amazing experience of my life, i loved every single second of it. The actually festival started on Friday but we (my parents, brother and i) drove over on the Thursday so that we could pitch our tent and not spend all day in a queue on Friday. After having to turn around when we were halfway there because we forgot the sleeping bags, we managed to get to the car park at around half 2 and then we had to pull on our wellies, get our wristbands and walk to our campsite. There are many different campsites, all organised in colours, we had already decided to stay in white because though it is the furthest away from the arena, it is the quietest and it made it possible for us to get at least a little sleep. I would definitely recommend the white campsite, it was a half hour walk through the other campsites or a 20 minute boat ride, but i am not too tired as i managed to sleep every night!

Anyway, so we got into a routine, wake up around 9, breakfast then head over to the arena around 12. The headliners were on around 10pm and Friday was definitely my favorite day, with 30 seconds to mars on before the headliners, My Chemical Romance. Two of my favorite bands, the performances were amazing, really mind blowing and i wish i could relive it over and over again, I'm writing this with my MCR albums on repeat :).

Saturday was Pulp and the Strokes which were really good, we didn't stay until the end because we had spent all day at the arena and so were tierd, so we went back to the tent and slept. Sunday i got to see Panic! at the Disco, another of my favorite bands, Ed Sheeran and Elbow, then the headliners were the legendary Muse! They had the most amazing light show, i loved watching it, but unfortunately they didn't choose their set list very wisely, they played a lot of songs from one album, most of which people didn't really know, and then after an hour they started playing the classics like super massive black hole etc. We couldn't stay till the end either, because we had already decided that we were going to go before we got stuck in the queue going home, we got home pretty quickly and i fell straight asleep.

That's pretty much all i have to say about reading fest, if you are thinking about going then i definitively recommend it, check out the line up when they put it up and if you like it, book the tickets! I hope you enjoyed this post, i should be doing a few more OOTD before i go back to school (next Wednesday) and after that i will hopefully do one of two a week. Thanks for reading

Monday, 22 August 2011


Hello my lovelies, im back from France! I had a really lovely time but unfortunately i couldn't take pictures of my outfits of the day, so i wont be able to show you what i wore, but i thought i would include a few pictures from my holiday so you get the idea of what i was up to. :)

We went to a place in the South of France, in the Dordogne called Belves and it was really beautiful, the weather was so warm, i was expecting it to rain but it went up to around 38 degrees on some days! Naturally i didn't tan at all, i swear im part albino, but i did come away with 10 HUGE mosquito bites, all of which i got on the last day at a water park, so im writing this while trying not to scratch them!

But my holiday isn't over, i have two weeks until i go back to school, and on Thursday, after getting my science gcse result (OOER) i am going to Reading Festival! Im super excited as this will be my first festival, il be sure to fill you all in when i get back and hopefully take some pictures.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

If you go down to the woods today

Just a quick picture post of a few snaps of the day. The little girl is my friend Alice (other girl in bottom pictures) little sister and she absolutely loves my brother! They spent the whole day together which was so sweet, bless her! We took my dog Jessie for a walk in the woods which was lovely! I hope you enjoyed this quick post, let me know if you would like more like this!

Your clouding up my mind

Top: Therapy at House of Fraiser
Jacket: TK MAXX
Jeggings: Jackpot
Shoes: Vans

Today i went for a walk with Jessie (my Labrador) and my friend Alice and our families. She has the most gorgeous little sister who is nearly 3 and i got some great snaps which you can see here. My outfit was really casual as it got pretty cold, im so ready for the heat in France. I'm all packed up and ready to go, so i will be able to post two more OOTD and then im off on Saturday morning. I hope your all having a good holiday!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Like i'm made of glass

Stripe Top: French Connection Denim
Strapless Top: New Look
Jeans: American Eagle
Necklace: vintage
Earrings: Republic

Il be having a pretty casual day today, doing a bit of shopping, mostly for books for my holiday, as i go to France for a week on Saturday, so my last look book post before i go will be Friday, but i will take a photo of my outfit each day in France and write the posts when i get home. Its gone slightly chilly so i decided on jeans which i got in new York and this cute stripe/nautical top from the sales, its very revealing as it is a racer back so i got a pack of three boob tubes to go under it which makes it look much better!

Monday, 8 August 2011

It was a young and angry summer

Dress: Urban Outfitters
Denim Jacket: French Connection
Necklace: India

Here is look book number 2, i'm just going shopping with some girlfriends and then they're coming back to mine for a sleepover. This dress is like 3 years old but i love it so much i get it back out every summer and wear it over and over again, definitely a good purchase! Its a bit windy so i'm wearing blue leggings and the jacket with it, the weather is so temperamental at the moment!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Make Up Your Mind

Dress: Uniqulo
Bag: Cheeky Buddha
Necklace: Vintage
Earrings: Freedom at Topshop
Nails: Strawberry Margerita - OPI
I know I have been away for a while but I haven’t really had the inspiration to blog, but now I have decided I want to change my blog a bit, as you can see I have “redecorated” by blog, which I have to thank my friend Alice for, as she ever so kindly designed and decorated my blog so that it’s all shiny and new. I don’t really want to delete all my old posts so I just deleted the ones I felt were not good enough.

Now onto what my “new” blog will be like, I have been really inspired by Llymlrs blog, which is absolutely fabulous, go and check her out if you haven’t already; and I decided I wanted to try and do outfit of the day/look book posts. In the holidays I will try to post nearly every day but when I’m back to school it will be more like once/twice a week. I will be including a little message about what I will be/have been up to that day as well as something which I haven’t seen on many other blogs, a SOTD = Song of the day. Basically whichever song I am loving on that day! Let me know what you think about my new blog, I hope you enjoy it and I hope you like the first of my OOTD posts, I’m still getting used to my new set up, so bare with me while I experiment for a bit!